Picnic Safety Guidelines

Safety Tip of the Week
Picnic Safety Tips

Whether it’s in the backyard or you ride to it, a picnic is a summer tradition. But, if what you eat makes you sick, that’s not a tradition. If you follow these guidelines, your food is more likely to be safe to eat.

Keep cold food cold. Put it in a cooler with ice or frozen gel packs. You can pack meat, poultry, and seafood while it’s still frozen to keep it cold longer. Be sure to wrap it so the juices don’t get on anything you’ll eat raw. Cold food should be kept at 40 degrees F. or below so bacteria won’t grow.

Once you’re at the picnic, keep coolers closed. You might use one cooler for cold drinks and another for your perishable food so you don’t have to open its container. Wash and dry any fruits or vegetables that aren’t labeled “washed,” or “ready-to-eat.” Keep hot foods hot—at or above 140 degrees F.

Once you’ve served either hot or cold food it can only sit out for an hour if the temperature is above 90 degrees F. or two hours if temps are cooler.

Stay safe out there!
- Mike

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